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How To Create A File In Python In Textedit For Mac

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How To Create A File In Python In Textedit For Mac




Standard Suite

How To Create A File In Python In Textedit For Mac Windows 7

Common classes and commands for most applications.

You can write or draw on images in your text files using the tools in the Markup toolbar. How to mark up images To browse the TextEdit User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page. A module is a Python program file composed of definitions or code that you can leverage in other Python program files. Accessing Modules from Another Directory Modules may be useful for more than one programming project, and in that case it makes less sense to keep a module in a particular directory that's tied to a specific project. Creating a CSV File. So to create a CSV file, open up a software that creates text files such as notepad or wordpad if you are on Windows. For a Mac computers, this would be TextEdit. Create a new text file (.txt) and name it whatever you would like. We've now created a file that will act as a CSV file so that we can transfer the data we put.


  • reference.get() -- Get the data for an object.

    • Result: Anything -- the reply for the command -- Save an object.

    • [as=UnicodeText] -- The file type in which to save the data.
      [in_=Alias] -- The file in which to save the object.
      Result: None

    reference.set(..) -- Set an object's data.

    application.print_(..) -- Print an object.

    • [Alias] -- The file(s) or document(s) to be printed.
      Result: None

    reference.duplicate(..) -- Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.

    • to=InsertionLoc -- The location for the new object(s).
      [with_properties=AERecord] -- Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s).
      Result: None

    reference.exists() -- Verify if an object exists.

    • Result: Boolean -- the reply for the command

    reference.delete() -- Delete an object.

    • Result: None

    application.make(..) -- Make a new object.

    • [with_properties=AERecord] -- The initial values for properties of the object.
      new=Type -- The class of the new object.
      [with_data=Anything] -- The initial data for the object.
      [at=InsertionLoc] -- The location at which to insert the object.
      Result: ObjectSpecifier -- the reply for the command -- Open an object.

    • [Alias] -- The file(s) to be opened.
      Result: None

    reference.close(..) -- Close an object.

    • [saving=k.yes | | k.ask] -- Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing.
      [saving_in=Alias] -- The file in which to save the object.
      Result: None

    reference.count(..) -- Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.

    • [each=Type] -- The class of objects to be counted.
      Result: SInt32 -- the reply for the command

    reference.move(..) -- Move object(s) to a new location.

    • to=InsertionLoc -- The new location for the object(s).
      Result: None

    reference.quit(..) -- Quit an application.

    • [saving=k.yes | | k.ask] -- Specifies whether changes should be saved before quitting.
      Result: None


  • document -- A /TextEdit document.

    • Parent:
      • item

      • modified (r/o) Boolean -- Has the document been modified since the last save?
        pathUnicodeText -- The document's path.
        nameUnicodeText -- The document's name.
        textk.text -- The text of the document.

    item -- A scriptable object.

    • Children:
      • characterparagraphapplicationcolordocumentattribute_runwindowwordtext

      • class_ (r/o) Type -- The class of the object.
        propertiesAERecord -- All of the object's properties.

    window -- A window.

    • Parent:
      • item

      • zoomedBoolean -- Whether the window is currently zoomed.
        miniaturizedBoolean -- Whether the window is currently miniaturized.
        nameUnicodeText -- The full title of the window.
        floating (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window floats.
        modal (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window is the application's current modal window.
        miniaturizable (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window can be miniaturized.
        visibleBoolean -- Whether the window is currently visible.
        closeable (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window has a close box.
        resizable (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window can be resized.
        zoomable (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window can be zoomed.
        id (r/o) SInt32 -- The unique identifier of the window.
        boundsQDRectangle -- The bounding rectangle of the window.
        titled (r/o) Boolean -- Whether the window has a title bar.
        indexSInt32 -- The index of the window in the back-to-front window ordering.
        document (r/o) k.document -- The document whose contents are being displayed in the window.

    application -- TextEdit's top level scripting object.

    • Parent:
      • item

      • version (r/o) UnicodeText -- The version of the application.
        frontmost (r/o) Boolean -- Is this the frontmost (active) application?
        name (r/o) UnicodeText -- The name of the application.

      • windows -- name | index | relative | range | test | id
        documents -- name | index | relative | range | test

    color -- A color.

    • Parent:
      • item

Text Suite

A set of basic classes for text processing.

How To Create A File In Python In Textedit For Mac Windows 10


How To Create A File In Python In Textedit For Mac Download

  • attachment -- Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands.

    • Parent:
      • text

      • file_nameUnicodeText -- The path to the file for the attachment

    text -- Rich (styled) text

    • Parent:
      • item

      • attachment

      • sizeSInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        fontUnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        colork.color -- The color of the first character.

      • characters -- index | relative | range | test
        attribute_runs -- index | relative | range | test
        attachment -- index | relative | range | test
        words -- index | relative | range | test
        paragraphs -- index | relative | range | test

    attribute_run -- This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes.

    • Parent: Properties:
      • sizeSInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        fontUnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        colork.color -- The color of the first character.

      • characters -- index | relative | range | test
        attribute_runs -- index | relative | range | test
        attachment -- index | relative | range | test
        words -- index | relative | range | test
        paragraphs -- index | relative | range | test

    character -- This subdivides the text into characters.

    • Parent:
      • item

      • sizeSInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        fontUnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        colork.color -- The color of the first character.

      • characters -- index | relative | range | test
        attribute_runs -- index | relative | range | test
        attachment -- index | relative | range | test
        words -- index | relative | range | test
        paragraphs -- index | relative | range | test

    word -- This subdivides the text into words.

    • Parent:
      • item

      • sizeSInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        fontUnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        colork.color -- The color of the first character.

      • characters -- index | relative | range | test
        attribute_runs -- index | relative | range | test
        attachment -- index | relative | range | test
        words -- index | relative | range | test
        paragraphs -- index | relative | range | test

    paragraph -- This subdivides the text into paragraphs.

    • Parent:
      • item

      • sizeSInt32 -- The size in points of the first character.
        fontUnicodeText -- The name of the font of the first character.
        colork.color -- The color of the first character.

      • characters -- index | relative | range | test
        attribute_runs -- index | relative | range | test
        attachment -- index | relative | range | test
        words -- index | relative | range | test
        paragraphs -- index | relative | range | test

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